Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Learning a Foreign Language Essay

What’s the best age to learn a new language? researchers say that you shouldn’t wait too long before introducing a baby to foreign languages. According to the critical period hypothesis, there’s a certain window in which second language acquisition skills are at their peak. Researchers disagree over just how long that window is — some say that it ends by age 6 or 7, while others say that it extends all the way through puberty — but after that period is over, it becomes much harder for a person to learn a new language. It’s not impossible, but children in that critical period have an almost universal success rate at achieving near fluency and perfect accents, while adults’ results are more hit-and-miss. Because children are so much more skilled at picking up a second language than adults, immersion preschools and elementary schools are a popular choice for parents. Students at these schools have math, story time and social studies the way other students do, but their classes are taught in a foreign language. Not only does this give the students ample time to practice the foreign language, but some research indicates that such a program might have other academic benefits, such as higher math scores and sharper critical thinking skills. And learning a second language at such a young age doesn’t hinder any abilities in the child’s native language — it seems a child’s brain is wired so that all linguistic rules, be they native or foreign, are picked up quickly. However, just because a child becomes fluent in Italian, Russian and Portuguese doesn’t mean that he or she will be speaking those languages 50 years later. Without extended exposure to a language, the child’s abilities diminish, so it’s important to provide continued opportunities to practice these skills. anguage is too complex for children to understand. All the people know that if one wants to learn a foreign language, one must understand its grammars and vocabularies. These things can not be easily understood by a child who does not have enough experience. Children are simply reciting the rules of grammars and vocabularies. The mountain like amount of rules and vocabularies are difficult for every people, especially children. As children are reciting the rules of grammars and vocabularies, they are forgetting them gradually to none. As a result, there is no good result for both children themselves and parents. Not everyone is a genius, and so almost of the children can not hold as many languages as their parents’ hopes. So, from my view children should not begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Impact of the Printing Press on Education

Interactive Media Center http://library. albany. edu/imc/ HTML & XHTML Tag Quick Reference This reference notes some of the most commonly used HTML and XHTML tags. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a comprehensive list of available tags. Details regarding the proper use of XHTML are at the end of this document. What It Is Basic Document Tags What It Does Indicates the start and end of an HTML Document Defines the portion of the document that contains essential formatting information. The material in the head is invisible. Defines the portion of the document that contains the visible information. Body Attributes What It Is What It Does Specifies the background color Specifies the text color Specifies the color of unfollowed links. Specifies the color of followed links. Specifies the color of links when they are clicked. NOTE: Body attributes may be combined within the body tag. Example: Text Tags What It Does The heading tags display text in sizes ranging from the ,, largest, h1, to the smallest, h6. These specifications ,, are intended to denote the importance data below the , heading. Specifies bold text. Specifies italics text. Specifies a typewriter or teletype-like text. Creates an emphasis on text that is rendered usually as italics, but sometimes as bold depending on the browser. Creates an emphasis on text that is usually rendered as bold, but sometimes as italics depending on the browser. Specifies the font size from 1 to 7. 1 is the largest, 7 the smallest, and 3 is generally the default size. Specifies font color. NOTE: Font attributes may be combined within the font tag. Example: Example of combined font attributes. 9/03 R. Lipera v. 2. 2 What It Is Interactive Media Center http://library. albany. edu/imc/ Common Formatting Tags What It Is (HTML) What It Is What It Does (XHTML) Defines a paragraph. Defines paragraph alignment left, right, or center. Inserts a line break. Defines a block quote and indents text from both sides. Usually with some extra space above and below. Defines the beginning and end of an ordered list. Defines the beginning and end of an unordered list. Defines the beginning and end of a line within a list. Start a line with a number in an ordered list, and with a bullet in an unordered list. Image Tags What It Is (HTML) What It Is (XHTML) What It Does Places and image. Specifies the alignment of an image; middle Specifies a border around and Specifies the alternative label for an for use nongraphical browsers. NOTE: Attributes within the font tag may be combined. Example in HTML: Example in XHTML: What It Is (HTML) Horizontal Rule Tags What It Is What It Does (XHTML) Specifies the start of a horizontal rule. Specifies the height of a horizontal rule. Specifies the width of a horizontal 9/03 R. Lipera v. 2. 2 2 Interactive Media Center http://library. lbany. edu/imc/ rule in either pixels or percent. States that the horizontal rule should have no shade. NOTE: Attributes within the horizontal rule tag may be combined. Example in HTML: Example in XHTML: Table Tags What It Is What It Does Specifies the beginning and end of a table. Specifies the beginning and end of a table row. Specifies the beginning and end of a table cell. Defines a table header. A normal cell with text that is bold and centered. Specifies the size of the border around a table and cells within the table. Specifies the space between cells. Specifies the amount of space between the border of a cell and the items within the cell. Specifies the width of a table in either pixels or percent. Specifies the alignment of contents in a row of cells as either left, right, or center. Specifies the alignment of contents in a cell as either left, right, or center. Specifies the vertical alignment of contents in a row of cells as either top, bottom, or middle. Specifies the vertical alignment of contents in cell as either top, bottom, or middle. Specifies the number of columns a cell will span. Specifies the number of rows a cell will span. Stops text from automatically line wrapping. 9/03 R. Lipera v. 2. 2 3 Interactive Media Center http://library. albany. edu/imc/ XHTML can be thought of as an upgraded and stricter version of HTML 4. 01. It is not much more difficult to write XHTML than it is to write properly formed HTML. There are some simple rules that must be followed. The most important rules are: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ XHTML tags must all be in lower case. XHTML elements must be nested correctly. All XHTML tag elements must be closed. Documents written in XHTML must be well-formed. Examples of lower case rule: This is incorrect. This is correct. Examples of the nesting rule: This is incorrect nesting. This is correct nesting. Examples of the closed tag rule: This horizontal rule tag is not closed- This horizontal rule tag is closed- This image tag is not closed- This image tag is properly closed- Examples of the well-formed document rule: XHTML documents must have the proper structure. This means all components must be within the opening and closing HTML tags, . Internal elements must be correctly nested and located properly. The basic components and structure of an XHTML document are 9/03 R. Lipera v. 2. 2 4 Interactive Media Center http://library. albany. edu/imc/ XHTML Syntax Rules XHTML requires that some basic rules of syntax be followed. As with the tag rules noted above, XHTML syntax is not much more difficult that correctly formed HTML. These rules are, however, much stricter and must not be violated. These rules follow. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Attributes must be quoted. The Name attribute is replaced by the ID attribute Attribute shorthand must not be used. DOCTYPE statement must be used. The DOCTYPE statement is part of Document Type Definition, DTD, and is used to specify which syntax is used in the Web page. ) Examples of the quoted attribute rule: This is incorrect- This is correct- Examples of the Name attribute replacement rule: This is incorrect- This is the correct substitution- Examples of the no shorthand rule: This is an example of improper shorthand- This is the same tag corre ctly written without shorthand- Examples of DOCTYPE statements: This is a page without a statement 9/03 R. Lipera v. 2. 2 5 Interactive Media Center http://library. albany. edu/imc/ Example of a page with a DOCTYPE statement Note that the DOCTYPE statement goes ahead of the opening HTML tag, . The statement is not part of the HTML document and does not have a closing tag. It is used to tell a browser how to render the document. There are three DOCTYPE statements. Statement used to create clutter-free presentations and when Cascading Style Sheets are used: Statement used when HTML presentational features are present and when it is desirable to support older browsers that do not understand Style Sheets: Statement used when frames are incorporated into the design of the page: 9/03 R. Lipera v. 2. 2 6

Monday, July 29, 2019

Connection Between Surf, Spirituality And Media Speech or Presentation

Connection Between Surf, Spirituality And Media - Speech or Presentation Example Surfing brings about and evokes the spirituality within individuals. Surfing helps to rejuvenate the connections and oneness with the cosmology. It helps to link the surfer with the positive energy that persists in the world. Another experience that surfers share which evokes spirituality in them is friendly relation and bond they develop for the various aquatic species that reside within the ocean. Some suffers have also reported that they have experienced communication between various aquatic species that on various occasions when they were on the shore in solitude waiting for the right moment to hit the waves. It is also assumed that the spiritual connection that surfers go through also causes them to develop a sense of responsibility in them to save and protect the marine life that resides in water. Today, many organizations have been established that help surfers to gather on a platform, make them aware of their responsibility towards the aquatic life and also to acknowledge the m that the sport they play has a religious point of view too which means that surfing is not merely an experience but it has certain religious perspective.... Spirituality is something within or at times is sought. These days spirituality is obtained through various means. One of them is through sports. When a surfer hits the waves, he comes in contact with the forces of nature that persist. The waves drive him to the shore. On his entire quest on the waves he is in direct contact with nature, the surfer is eventually following the course of nature. Indulging in the waves, he finds his way to the shore which portrays a real experience; a man enters this temporary and fake world. Gets involved in various activities, those who seek the path of God and patiently wait for their reward finally stand victorious like a surfer after hitting the high waves comes back to the shore same way a man continues his journey in this world and the world after. Kreeft in his essay on surfing and spirituality states that "The key elements in the symbolism are pretty clear: I, the surfer, am—myself. The body with which I surf in the sea symbolizes the so ul, with which I "surf" in God. The sea is God. The beach is the approach to God. Surfing is the experience of God, or the spiritual life" (Kreeft, Surfing and spirituality). This is a very precise way to explain surfing and spirituality. Media plays a very important role when it comes to the reinforcement of sustainability as a principal part of surf mentality. This is an all-inclusivemeasure—the magazines and videos featuring professional surfers cannot be shallow and focus only on surfing. Sustainability needs to come up more frequently than once a year in the magazines, for example, in the â€Å"green† issue. Surf media affects the youth: many individuals were influenced by surfing

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Offsite manufacturing in the construction industry Essay

Offsite manufacturing in the construction industry - Essay Example Introduction and Context Too often construction projects conducted on site have exhibited inefficient project processes, low integration among team members, poor productivity levels, and poor performance in safety and health. In comparison the manufacturing sector does not normally experience these repercussions which has led some innovative mind in the industry to consider a better way. This turned out to be off site building, which has been noted to have many advantages over traditional construction (Ogden, 2007). In the light of the need for Zenith PM to develop a new strategy to improve its revenues and retain its skilled personnel, the company has identified off-site construction as its most viable option. Current thinking on offsite manufacturing New developments The off-site construction trend grew significantly in 2006 in various countries worldwide, partly because clients and contracts have come to realise its benefits in terms of lower cost, better quality, predictability o f outcome, sustainability, and better compliance with health and safety standards. The off-site industry is still in its infancy despite the rise in the demand for its products; at this point, the industry is still a diverse and fragmented group of technologies and off-site producers. There is certainly room for further development which, as the sector matures, will enhance standardisation and regulation so that clients and contractors could benefit from more reliable products and also more options per product. There are currently four off-site construction techniques where the manufacturing or fabrication is performed away from the project site and before the installation. Na and Bausman (2008) identified these as: (1) Offsite preassembly, referring to the process wherein different building materials, equipment, and prefabricated components are assembled at a remote location for later installation. It is focused on a system instead of a product. One example is roof trusses, or prea ssembled vessels complete with installations, platforms piping and ladders. (2) Hybrid systems are prefabricated building facilities, i.e. they are building units that are fully factory finished, complete with internal furnishes and building services. An example is a factory finished bathroom with interior finishing, plumbing, electrical service, and factory completed office rooms. (3) Panelized Building Systems are comprised of the structural frame, or building envelop, employing factory manufactured building panels. These consist more of factory-built components rather than completed modules – usually including the factory based fabrication like finished wall panels with cladding insulation, internal finishes, doors and windows. They are brought to the site and are there assembled and permanently secured (4) Modular buildings are popularly known as the factory-built homes of one or more units completely assembled or fabricated in a manufacturing plant far from the jobsite. They consist typically of multi-rooms with three-dimensional units, that are constructed and pre-assembled and already include installed trim work, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing. After fabrication, they are transported and assembled on site. Benefits and core challenges There are a host of benefits brought about by off-site construction that have been long-recognized by the HSE and other monitoring agencies. These include ‘predictability, quality assurance, faster construction times, less waste,

Les changements philosophique etaientelles au cuaser par les emeutes Essay

Les changements philosophique etaientelles au cuaser par les emeutes en Mai 1968 - Essay Example Pour Baudrillard l'poque contmporaine se caracterise par l'abandon de la ralit, et cet abandon s'est ralis par une vitesse de liberation semblable celle ncessit par un corps pour s'chapper la gravit d'une planete. Cette vitesse de liberation est dtrmine par l'acceleration de la technologie , et aussi par la vitesse des autres changes - conomique , politique , sexuel . La vitesse de liberation impose par le dveloppment scintifique a dbut l'poque duquel on vient de parler. Le plus important vnement philosophique qui s'est produit cette poque- l fut l'apparition du structuralisme thoris au domain philosophique par Michel Foucault . Le changement , en bref , est rerprsent par la substitution de la notion de idologie , comme reprsentation du monde , avec celle de structure , ou , dans la trminologie foulcauldienne , " l'archologie du savoir " . Ce terme parle par lui-mme de cette rvolution du pense - l'archologie se focalise sur la structure du savoir , ca veut dire , la philosophie et la pense en gnral n'examinent plus seulement les ides et les formes , mais aussi la structure dinamique de choses , ce qui transforme toute pense en discours . LaLa thorie du discours de Foucault vient de remplacer , ainsi , les philosophies idologiques de Marx , Sartre et Althusser. Au coeur de ces philosophies il y avait l'humanisme , qui a pris des formes diffrents pour chaque d'entre eux. Le fait le plus important a signaler ici est que toute ces philosophies ont cherch , comme idologies , trouver un but pratique pour leur thorie , soit-il politique ou social ou conomique. Louis Althusser (1986) a essay de thoriser le marxisme , en observant le changement essentiel qui s'est produit , a un certain moment dans ce courrant , et qui a dtrmin la transformation de l'humanisme initial , qu'il nomme "humanisme rationaliste -liberal " en un " anti-humanisme thorique ". Cette transformation du statut de l'humanisme est survenue quand prtentions thoriques ont t rejetes en reconnaissant la fonction pratique de l'idologie . (Althusser , 1986: 236). Cela a signifi aussi la rupture de avec la philosophie de l'homme , et au mme temps , avec toute anthropologie ou humanisme philosophiques , ainsi comme elles taient dfini la premire tape du marxisme . Ainsi , le marxisme et au fond une idologie , et concepte est pour Althusser indispensable quand il s'agit de la socit humaine : Seule une conception idologique du monde a pu imaginer des socits sans idologies , et admettre l'ide utopique d'un monde ou l' idologie disparaitrait sans laisser de trace, pour etre remplace par la science. (Althusser , 1986: 239 ) L'idologie ne peut pas disparaitre du milieu de la socit humaine , et se manifeste toujours en un ou pluiseurs de ses formes : morale , rligion , art. De mme, l'existentialisme de Sartre a chrch s'approcher l'idologie marxiste , en affirmant la philosophie de l'action , et la "condamnation de l'homme libert " , ce que veut dire que l'homme , a toujours la possibilit du choix , cette chose l tant la principale cause de l'anxiet pour l'homme; donc , l'homme est ce qui'le fait : Quand nous disons que l'homme se choisit , nous entendons que chacun d'entre nous se choisit , mais par l nous

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Compare and Contrast Three Computers and Recommend the Best Essay

Compare and Contrast Three Computers and Recommend the Best - Essay Example Compare and Contrast Three Computers and Recommend the Best Considering the importance of computer to a business organization, the decision of choosing one is highly significant. While choosing the best computer for a business organization one has to evaluate all aspects. At least three computers must be chosen and their features should be compared and contrasted and then the best one should be chosen. Best computer for an organization should have a fast processor, ample storage capacity, fulfill audio video needs and should support optical device. Other features like ability to upgrade and expand and support/warranty should also be considered. Acer Veriton VM670G-UQ9501C Acer Veriton is designed for business organization and is capable of running all business applications and software. It has 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad Processor and 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 RAM. 320GB memory means that there is enough space for the organization to record all its data and store various documents. This memory can be expanded to 8GB and storage capacity can also be do ubled with the installation of memory cards. The dedicated ATI Radeon HD 4350 PRO video   in the machine one feature that distinguishes it with most other corporate desktops. This video card enables users to create a variety of new and vibrant brochures designs and make use of multimedia tools and applications in order to make the organization more profitable and productive . The machine has 10 Usb ports, Ethernet pert and DVD drive. It enables connection with printers, multimedia and other devices that aid business process. Moreover the machine comes with three year warranty and users have complete support and assistance from the manufacturer. Apple iMAC Apple iMAC is easily available in stores and online. Apple iMac is ideal for viewing high definition content and using application that require high resolution. The machine has 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4GB of memory. It has 500GB SATA hard drive which is more than sufficient for data storage for average business us er. â€Å"Hard drive storage can be expanded to a huge capacity of 2TB. The maximum levels of hard drive space, processor speed and memory capacity are far greater than the average business user will ever need.†( â€Å"Apple iMac Review†, n.d). Though the led technology screen displays colors accurately it is reported that the screen lacks reflective coating. â€Å"Especially under fluorescent lights, the screen acts as a mirror and reflects its surroundings, making the completion of tasks difficult at best.† ( â€Å"Apple iMac Review†, n.d) The iMAC has highly effective data transfer tools. The thunderbolt port transfers data up to 12 times faster than any usb port and it is also more versatile.(apple, 2011). It does not have Ethernet port but it has an in built Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The iMAC comes with 90 days of support over the telephone for any sort of assistance and a 1 year warranty. Apple iMAC is ideal for firms that make use of high definition con tent for instance advertisement agencies but for other firms for instance accountancy firm, its massive memory and high resolution might be of little use. HP Compaq 6000 Pro The base processor of HP Compaq 600 pro is the Intel Celeron 450 that runs at 2.20 GHz. It can be upgraded to a maximum of 2.66 to 3.0 Core 2 Quad processor. It has 2 GB memory which can be extended to 16

Friday, July 26, 2019

Research critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Research critique - Essay Example ect relevance to meal in Nursing Homes, as it discusses meals in an hospital settings; unlike a similar study on nursing homes meals carried out by Goodman et al (2005) where out of the 34 literatures reviewed only one (the oldest) was dated 1989, all others were literatures published between 1998 and 2004. On the light side however, the literature review was satisfactorily comprehensive, taking into account the different perspectives involved in the research problem. Also, an in depth exploration of the impact of meals and meal services in relation to the wellbeing - health and emotional, of the residents was done, shedding more light, in the process, on meals services as it affects the proper running of a nursing home. The literature review also attempted an overview of the role of nursing homes on the aged population of the society, highlighting the increasing PS. The research study was completed in 2000 and submitted for publication in 2002. I had to remove (2) completely, since it is thus, no longer correct. Also, since we need not compare between Nursing Home types for this critique, I believe sentence (3) too should be removed. Afterall, the paragraph still makes sense (and is complete) without the sentence. I hope you are Ok with these

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Can Politics be Removed from Redistricting Essay

Can Politics be Removed from Redistricting - Essay Example The act of redistricting is a process that requires adequate planning by the legislation body before they come up with a complete and fair form of new districts. Though the legislation body has the right and privilege to plan for the redistricting process, they are not competent enough of guaranteeing that the plan will be successful. Thus my stand concerning the matter is that politics can and should be removed from redistricting. Iowa is the single state that is capable of giving any of the nonpartisan community the right of setting up laws that governs the procedures that apply in the redistricting process. This is because in many of the known states, the procedure of the redistricting is solely carried out by the government body and also the political alone. This is in inclusion of the republicans as well as the democrats of the states. Consequently, this action is often for the benefit of the republicans and moreover for the advantage of the democrats. This is because; they use this idea to their benefit of the political interests. Subsequently, the republicans and the democrats do this to obtain a large section of their states to enlarge the district area. Moreover, this action is chiefly for them to gain sole security in the job sector. Thus in Iowa, this procedure is solely performed by a group of selection of three parties. These parties include lawyers, the governor, the secretary, and the auditor. Additionally, there are also the two main individuals who are from the popular political parties (Vork 1). This is chiefly to avoid any form of corruption and manipulation of the process that governs the redistricting procedures (Vork 1). Consequently, for the redistricting process to be in order, there are asset of states laws that the body ought to follow. There are a variety of redistricting methods that a state can employ in the process of redistricting. There is the independent body system, which involves the employment of individuals from the independ ent section with a few representatives from the politicians and the government. The costs and benefits of different redistricting systems Thus the benefit of this body system is that there will be no interference during the redistricting processes by the political parties (Ansolabehere, Gerber & Snyder 768). Second, there is the legislators system. This system utilizes the legislative body of the government. The chief cost that this body brings is the implications during the redistricting procedure. This is because the legislative body utilizes the laws set by the government body. Therefore it becomes hard for the legislators not to favor the government as well as the political parties. Although the two types of the redistricting are different, the chief goal of the process is to attain balanced and equal forms of districts without favor (Ansolabehere, Gerber & Snyder 770). Thus the chief benefit of the redistricting process is that the state gets the opportunity of being in the lis t of the government for the development process. For instance, the minority group gets to obtain the financial support from the government with ease. This further allows an equal and uniform amount of expenditure by the government for the districts from the minorities (Ansolabehere, Gerber & Snyder 768). Considering or not considering how certain factors may change the sort of districts drawn

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder and different teaching methods in Research Proposal

Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder and different teaching methods in the classroom - Research Proposal Example It is said great scientists Newton and Einstein too had Autism in some form or other. Only it has been recognized of late and meriting the attention of the social scientists to ease the ASD affected individuals out of the so-called disorder so that they can scale newer heights. Autism is a developmental problem found early in childhood that results in verbal, non-verbal communication or social interaction disability. Usually this disability becomes evident before the age of three and has a bearing upon educational performance when the child grows older. Autism is also known as autism spectrum disorder, pervasive development disorder (PDD), PDD- not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), atypical autism, and Asperger’s Syndrome. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) occurring early in life will last for the rest of one’s life. It is not a single disorder but a syndrome of collection of characteristics in growing children. Though ASD is found in both males and females, the incidence is more in males. It is severe and pervasive when it affects almost all the faculties of the individual even though he may be very intelligent or high functioning. ASD also occurs when the individual has cognitive impairment also known as mental retardation or mental impairment. ASD can also occur due to neurobiological reasons affecting the physical brain or chemistry of the brain. When the individual is not able to communicate by using speech or language or when his speech is delayed or quality of communication or verbal skills are affected, he is deeme d to have ASD. In some cases, the individual cannot display unspoken language such as gestures, facial expressions. ASD also makes the individual unable to understand what others say and respond to them or their non-verbal movements. The individual will have difficulty maintaining friendship and social contact regardless of age even though he may want to keep the relationships. He will be sensitive to touch,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Evocative Object Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evocative Object - Essay Example ICT refers to technologies that guarantee passage of information through telecommunications. The effects of information and communication technologies reflect on how humans do things in present day life as compared to how they used to in the agrarian economy. The information and communication technologies affect various human fields including health, education, modes of transport, communication, agriculture, governance, security, entertainment, sports, industrialization, and others (Seyler 1). The advancement of information and communication technologies is a continuous process that becomes complex and more effective every day. Nevertheless, these advancements equally have negative effects on the environment where they lead to pollution and security where they promote terrorism. Moreover, they come at a price. However, in most cases the inherent benefits of information and communication technologies are more than the costs accrued. Actually, the benefits of information and communicat ion technologies depend on the mode of application, the gadget itself, government policies, and other external factors. Some of the most common and advanced information and communication technologies include cell phones and computers (Seyler 21). Indeed, there are different versions of computers and cell phones with variant applications that continue to flood the global market. Personally, I have had experiences with technology in many cases in my course of life. However, this paper will illustrate my experience with a cell phone as a form of information and communication technologies. It will equally relate my experience to the society in the context of its technological application. The use of cell phones is growing in the modern world due to the friendly, effective, and advanced applications they contain. Its use varies from different personalities including students, business personalities, doctors, service men, pilots, engineers, and the general society (Seyler 26). As a studen t, I have various uses of my cell phone both inn school and outside school. Indeed, in my very first day in college, I was new in town had a vague idea on where my school is. As such, it was physically impossible to access my school on the registration day. However, iPhone had a GPRS and could thus access Google maps application forming a trusted source of direction. There with just a click on my phones keyboard the goggle maps directed me on the shortest direction from the airport to the school free of charge. This application was so beneficial that my mother actually had to buy an iPhone on her way from work. Again, while at school I have used my cell phone in various significant roles. Indeed, I still remember the day that my friend had an accident along the highway far from town. I used my cell phone again to take pictures of the accident using the video recorder and call the police and the ambulance at the scene of the accident. This saved the life of my friend, reduced traffic snarl at the highway, and ensured timely notification to the authorities. Indeed, I equally used the cell phone to inform my friend’s parents of the accident. Back in school, I use my cell phone in different studies and research. Since my cell phone can access the internet and has a capacity to download and store online information, I frequently use it to further my education. Actually, I use my phone to access emails from my tutors, download assignments, find research materials, and forward my assignments. I do this by connecting my phone to my computer at home using a cable and subsequently use my phone as a modem through tethering. This makes my studying more effective and convenient. In addition, my phone has a calculator that is very relevant in doing calculations at school. Indeed, I use my

Monday, July 22, 2019

Food in My Family Essay Example for Free

Food in My Family Essay I come from a very diverse ethnic background, with many variations of what maybe considered cultural foods. I have many fond memories of family reunions and all the interesting dishes my relatives would prepare. Food in my family holds so much meaning; it’s the glue that has held us together for many years even before I was born. Food in my family isn’t just a substance we consume in order to keep our bodies healthy and energized. When we create a meal, it’s as if we are creating art by expressing ourselves in our dish. We take the time to perfect our meals, while also keeping our tradition alive by incorporating the same rituals as our ancestors before us. When it came to certain meals my mother was very traditional in preparing it, and it had to be done a certain way or it was ruined. She wanted to maintain our family’s culture in each dish she prepared. She felt as if by doing this it kept our ancestor’s memories alive; with each recipe preserved to its natural and formal state with zero alteration kept our tradition alive. She didn’t believe in wasting food, so when she prepared dishes she would make sure to cook everything from the head to the feet. My mother’s favorite dish to create was Peni which means pig in Spanish. I remember going to the meat market and having to wait on long lines to buy a whole pig so that she can begin prepping it for the family reunion that was scheduled for next week. My mother always said Una de Las cosas mas importantes de recordar es que no es el alimento que usted come que es importante pero como usted lo creo que lo hace memorable. In English it means â€Å"One of the most important things to remember is that it is not the food you eat that is important, but its how you created it that makes it memorable. † Preparing meals for a family reunion takes a group effort; especially if it requires large quantities of food needed. I believe it brought us closer together when we were cooking the meals compare to when we actually sat down to eat it. Everyone had there own responsibilities to help contribute to the meals, my family was big on making sure no one was left out. It brought everyone together as a whole, no matter what prier arguments you had with one another or what grudges you may have construed towards each other. It was always put aside when it came to family reunion, because on that day nothing else mattered but family. I believe certain foods can trigger certain memories, depending on what your mind can connect it too. For example every time I smell the sweet sent of buttered pancakes in the morning with a side of bacon. It reminds me of my mom and how I use to wake up and run to the kitchen as fast as I can trying to beat my brothers to the table, because I knew they would eat up all the beacon. It reminds me of happier days; when I use to not have to worry about anything and I could just be myself. When my mother would create Peni it would take hours to just prepare it and then she would have to wrap it up in alumini foil so that it would allow the seasonings to settle in. With big family reunions it bound to have some people bring the similar dishes. Even though they cooked the same type of meat doesn’t mean that they are the same dish. Since they were prepared by two different people with different backgrounds, the dish itself represents two completely different styles. For example my mother cooked a lot of her foods traditionally, because that’s how she was raised. She grew up with the knowledge of our ancestor recipes, but our relatives from other countries grow up with their own cooking style. They made it the best way they felt expresses themselves and what they grew accustom to. I looked forward to having family reunions not just because I enjoyed learning how create new dishes, but also I wanted to feel closer to my relatives who I hardly ever get to see. By tasting their foods I was able to take a journey to their home town. I was able to taste all the seasoning that they grew up with and to what they felt best express the true essence of the meat. From the bitter sweet aroma to the texture of how it was deliciously prepared with each morsel I bit into, you could tell how much attention to detail was put into it. I love trying new things especially created by my family members because their style of cooking was so different compare to what I was used to; it was so unique. It always surprised me how dramatically different there dishes tasted compared to my mothers. They would use ingredients I didn’t expect would ever mix so wonderfully together. That’s why I believe when you create a meal it is a form of expression of who you are and where you come from. Every time I eat Peni it reminds me of many different fond memories of my mother, because that was what she loved to make. She took pride in her cooking and because of it I also take pride in everything I cook.

Evolution in Skyscraper’s Design Essay Example for Free

Evolution in Skyscraper’s Design Essay The term skyscraper in early times was commonly used in marine services to describe the high erected mast of a ship. This term was coined later to refer to storey buildings. Previously the term referred to very tall buildings of ten to twenty storeys but in the recent past the term now includes high-rises of forty to fifty storeys or even more. However, for a building to be termed as a skyscraper, it should be distinct from other surrounding buildings in its striking feature of high elevation and markedly affecting the normal view of skyline when looked across through its high rise due to its obstruction (Moudry, 2005 pp. 16-18). Evolution of skyscrapers Evolution of skyscrapers can be traced back to early Babylonian civilization with the Tower of Babel erected in the Babylon which was the first city to be established after great flood as it is given in the Biblical narrative, historical context and other extracanonical sources. Down the line, there has been erection of some tall buildings in different cities of the world but have not been such remarkable as those from the beginning of nineteenth century. Prior to this time, relatively tall buildings used to exist that basically employed use of masonry as the oldest material. The 19th Century structural system technological developments have been hallmark to the emergence of super tall buildings in the world. These new advancements from masonry which were the oldest material all through steel work era to use of composite construction have seen the erection of super tall buildings such as the Petronas Towers and the Jin Mao building that we see today. The City Hall in Philadelphia is the tallest masonry building in the world. It is 167 M (548 ft). It was completed in 1901 using masonry bricks and stones. But this technique could not easily allow construction of super tall buildings seen in today’s world because stone and bricks heavy weights were the limiting factor. The first skyscraper was steel- framed ten storeys known as Your Home Insurance Building in Chicago built by Illiam Le Barion Jenney, an engineering officer in 1885. Your Home Insurance Building was among the first buildings to use metal for support. After some sixteen years later, the first concrete 15 storey skyscraper known as Ingalls Building in Cincinnati, Ohio was erected by Elzner, O. A. It had integration of twisted steel bars with concrete as frame with slabs and concrete exterior walls (Haverstock et al, 2000 pp. 105-108). This was a remarkable stride in the realm of construction by 20th Century. However, more improvement in concrete technology has continued to be realized. The innovations of lightweight concrete material enable construction of tall buildings. The One Shell Plaza built in Texas in early 1970s which has 52 stories is a good example of tallest lightweight structure in the world. It can be observed that from early skyscrapers constructors, the technological evolutions were partly necessitated by the dictates of human needs such as residential and office apartment’s architectural arrangements so as to meet people needs wholesomely (Wright, 2007 pp. 77-80). Structural developments have even made it easier to meet these increasingly new demands by innovation of framed tabular structural systems. This has facilitated construction of many stories building. This is because they give three-dimensional robust framework that is able to resist mechanical stresses and compressions. Presently, skyscrapers constructions make use of steel; reinforced concrete, granite and glass. Many of skyscrapers in ancient times were found in parts o f Chicago, New York and London towards close to 19th Century. Today, skyscrapers are not limited to these regions alone, but are found even in Asian continent. In the New York City, at the beginning of 20th Century it was the center of the Beaux Arts architectural movement that made it so progressive having been graced with great architects that enabled it to be land of outstanding skyscrapers in the world. It is generally observed that skyscrapers since the past were associated with elements of nation’s power and economic status. This is because the nature of super tall building built largely depends on the financial capabilities, technological advancements and man power which reflects nation’s supremacy and hence its pride. In about last two decades skyscraper designs are taking latest architectural designs that include former designs but with characteristic features of the geographic elements of where these structures built such as cultural designs like Arabic arts as exhibited in Burj Dubai skyscraper which is yet to be completed. It is evident that, apart from innovations in structural system, geographical changes also markedly did affect the evolution of skyscraper designing especially in twentieth century. Early architects of skyscrapers as it can be seen in World Trade Center, as an example, assumed geometrical shapes like that of a box.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marketing Strategies Used In Film Industry Bollywood Media Essay

Marketing Strategies Used In Film Industry Bollywood Media Essay Patiala House releases in Patiala, ironically the film has nothing to do with the princely state, Katrina Kaif in Lucknow studio of radio mirchi for Rajneetis Promotion, Silence is the promotion strategy for My Name is Khan a much talked film This paper investigates widespread marketing strategies used in Film industry popularly called the Bollywood both nationally and internationally. Film marketing is rapidly developing into a promising industry although the idea is its incipient stage in India. We have seen over the years that success of film now not only through its contents but varied integration of marketing strategies to promote the film. Today everyone in the film bazaar wants success but it is acquired by only those who have come out with some out of box strategy for their film. Films are much hyped before their release in the market so that they have great openings but some are bombed in few weeks and some are not even noticed due to lack of content. Films now are more than just an entertainment, but are a business. Marketing of a movie is not a new initiative it has its existence since films were introduced in India, but it is followed more rigorously in todays state of film affairs. The inception of this paper starts with introduction of the film industry followed with the strategies used to market the movies in the industry. This is also an interest area of the author, as being a movie buff. The other segment research will highlight the growth of this budding industry. The content of this paper also comprises with current inclination and variation that are common in the film industry. The methodology used in this paper has a literature review which will be the basis of the report. Due to non-availability of required data relating to the expenses on conventional and non-conventional media, the author has chose a case study approach. To indentify the consumption pattern of the consumer a research is conducted both with qualitative and quantitative analysis. The dissertation is ended with the inclusion of integrated marketing framework for Bollywood and the new means that for existing medium, those are being or could be deployed in the area of film marketing. Methodology: Before getting into details of film marketing the author highlights the area of conventional and non-conventional media and tactics to manipulate the viewers decision. Conventional media majorly includes Trailers and Commercials on Television, Posters, Radio promotion and Printed Ads etc. whereas, unconventional media comprises of SMS/MMS, Internet Broadband, BTL activities and events and social networking etc. In terms of number of movies produced India has the biggest movie industry. Around 800 movies are made and released of which 90% are bombed beyond the week at the box-office. (Indiaonestop, 2010) We can every day, every few hours, somebody, somewhere is launching a feature film in this country. (Bose, 2006) So its important for a film marketer to know which method or media would be appropriate for that particular film. While delineating conventional tactics for marketing films to the unconventional ones a clear example would be advertisement in theatre which is a conventional way but using technology or innovative techniques to market it qualifies to be an unconventional way of marketing. Taking in to consideration the number of flops annually the Bollywood gives, it is mandatory to understand the spending done on these mediums for promotion as it would give an insight to a new method which will be helpful for our dissertation. Film makers generally dont take into consideration what audiences want a few can be named as Ram Gopal Verma, Mani Ratnam etc. whose films like RGV ki Aag, Rakta Charitra and Raavan flopped in spite of having strong star cast. So in order to gauge consumer consumption pattern in terms of movie content, effects of promotional activities, change in the decision to watch a movie etc. (Chand, 2011) These factors will help in defining the timing of the movie to launched, content of the movie, Star cast, Publicity, unfriendly press and partner brands. Producers often forget the importance of the above factors in a hurry to give a clone of previous hits. All the film makers try to play safe, recover costs and try to move on and thus leave the impression to the general public that our film makers have run out of ideas. (Bose, 2006) Film makers these days are like businessman, they spread their losses by investing in several films simultaneously in the anticipation that at if one will work he can take care of the losses with it. A film-maker who has the resources and the ability to work and gamble on multiple projects is never let down by the law of probability. Mode of Study/Tools Used: A two pronged approach adopted in this report will help to understand all of the above and find a satisfactory answer for it. A secondary research will be conducted on the available data. A whole research framework will be gathered related to film marketing. This would not meet ones expectation entirely so we need a primary survey including both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative research would be done with the help of questionnaires targeting the urban crowds from the metros excluding the southern cities of India. Overseas city like Leicester and Wembley which has a number of Indian communities is also taken under the survey which will give a more holistic research. Approximately a sample of 50 respondents were targeted, though the number is too short for large topic like this; hence a figure ranging to 20,000 at a confidence level of 95% and percentage of 50% the confidence interval comes out to be approximately +/-3.5% which should be acceptable. Internet has been used as a medium to collect data from the respondents along with collecting data personally from the above mentioned localities in Wembley and Leicester. This medium saved cost and time. However response for the survey was not mandatory and it was completely at respondents discretion. The idea behind the selection of the metros for primary research is due to the beginning of the multiplex culture in these cities. Usual movie goers were targeted that includes families, teens, couples etc. The data obtained from this survey will be evaluated using factor analysis. This data will help us to understand the trend, interest of the consumers towards the unconventional media used to promote the films. As part of the research a case study of movie will be taken which was well marketed but bombed at the box office. This will give an actual scenario of the topic. Anticipated Output from the Research: Few questions would come up along with this dissertation: Whom should the producer communicate to? What appeals to whom? Which media reaches the most? What do the consumers want? Limitations of the Survey: This sample does not represent the entire India due to the limitation of the survey conducted in the taken geography. The area was chosen mostly as the region bestows majorly to the Hindi speaking population of the country. Another limitation is number of the respondents would be contacted through emails or social networking sites which leads to a possibility of fake response, half response or also data duplication. Review of Literature Overview: Hollywood has been dominant over the years in the international film industry but slowly Mumbai and Shanghai are emerging beyond providing the local language films and television into domestic and international markets. Los Angeles remains the largest cluster in the world with Mumbai following second in the lead. (PWC, 2010) Mumbai and Shanghais cluster increases between 2010 and 2040 while that of Los Angeles cluster decreases in size. This is because of shift of consumers towards alternative media options like video games and internet. (PWC, 2010) Indian and Chinese governments have realized the potential of the industry and so they are encouraging these industries to grow. However it is difficult to imagine a mainstream film audience opting for Chinese movies instead of Hollywood movies. In future this may change. In recent years Hollywood and Bollywood have realized the importance of regional cinema and so there is an increasing trend of dubbing popular movies of both the industry. E.g. Gurinder Chadhas latest film Its a Wonderful Afterlife was dubbed in Hindi and Punjabi. (PWC, 2010) As stated earlier the subject of this dissertation is to understand the Indian Film Industrys marketing strategies and its competitors. The aim of the literature review is to understand the method used for film marketing using conventional and nonconventional medium. Indian film marketing is in its incipient stage there is dearth of literature work. There are few reports and articles here and there which shed light on this subject. The literature review on the subject I found relevant to my research is as follows: Unraveling the potential: The Indian Entertainment and Media Industry, FICCI Frames, March 2006, by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) The report is published by FICCI and it looks as Entertainment and Media Industry as a whole but not only the film industry. However the overall percepts provided gives some important information for my research. Table 1: IRS 2005, Round 2 as quoted in Jagran Prakashan Prospectus filed with SEBI dated Feb 3, 2006 Urban India Films Reach in % age Reach in millions A1 30.6 2.43 A2 25.1 3.85 B1, B2 19.1 7.53 C 18.1 8.59 D 17.1 9.52 E1, E2 15.7 10.59 Source: Televisionpoint, Research, Media Industry, 2005 The above table shows how much penetration films have in the socio economic classes. It helps to target market segmentation and marketing campaigns according to the socio-economic classes and the reach of the medium. However the report shows the share of the film industry in the Indian economy which is not changing from 2005- 2010 as the share of film industry was 19 % in 2005 but has not increased in 2010. (FICCI, 2006) The report points out that film industry is among few growth drivers for the EM industry. Quoting directly from the report: Indians love to watch movies. And advancements in technology are helping the Indian film industry in all the spheres film production, film exhibition and marketing. The industry is increasingly getting more corporatized. Several film production, distribution and exhibition companies are coming out with public issues. More theatres across the country are getting upgraded to multiplexes and initiatives to set up more digital cinema halls in the country are already underway. This will not only improve the quality of prints and thereby make film viewing a more pleasurable experience, but also reduce piracy of prints. (FICCI, 2006) Faults Found Indian Film Industry is full of uncertainty and is unorganized. The outcome is bollywood has only 1% of share in the world film industry while at the same time US has 60% of the world revenue. (PWC FICCI, 2007) Table 2 Filmed entertainment revenues by country/region, US$ million, 2009 Country/region Revenue in US$ million Percentage of total USA 34,431 40.4 Japan 11,061 13.0 UK 5,599 6.6 Other Western Europe 5,151 6.1 France 3,763 4.4 Germany 3,646 4.3 Canada 3,330 3.9 Other Asia Pacific 2,681 3.1 Australia 2,562 3.0 Latin America 2,431 2.9 Italy 2,087 2.5 Central and Eastern Europe 1,982 2.3 India 1,899 2.2 Spain 1,688 2.0 South Korea 1,275 1.5 China 1,206 1.4 Middle East and Africa 345 0.4 Total 85,137 100.0 Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Global Entertainment and Media Outlook 2010-2014, June 2010 The above report shows the world film market is still dominated by the developed economies. (UK Film Council, 2010) In spite of Indian Film Industry having larger admissions ratio and population it still lags behind to Australia and Italy in terms of world market share. Films are today more than Art, its business. This showbiz business is the biggest money earner in the country. In last couple of years film industry has changed itself into fully professional business industry with innovative methods to promote a film. Time has changed and so are the promotional and marketing activities of a film. Awareness of film and its Star Cast is important in the competitive industry. (Merinews, 2010) Almost two to three movies releasing every Friday, to succeed the producer or directors have to something different to attract the audiences. Its all about creating brand identity. For e.g. during the release of 3 Idiots Amir Khan toured seven cities across India to connect to people and create an attention towards the movie. This proved to be very successful strategy and the movie broke all box office records. Today the actors have also understood the importance of marketing of a film. The author has found few gaps in the Indian Film Industry. Digital Movies Development in the digital technology will lead the industry in future. Digital movie assures to raise box office collections by increasing picture resolution, quality of the print and lower distribution costs. There are mixed reaction on the issue of piracy. Initiatives by producers like Bharat Shah and Manmohan Shetty have started initiative to increase digital cinemas. (Bose, 2006) Audiences distinguishing the promotions to be fake All promotion techniques like Coffee with the stars, Invitation to the premiere etc does not attract the audiences as they dont trust the promotional event. They simply think that at given sample of 10000 only 2-3 fans get a chance to meet the stars or invitation. Audiences do notice such events but percentage of participation is very low. Thus by using conventional medium to connect to people a major chunk of the pie rests untouched by the film makers. (Chand, 2011) BTL activities and its effects on films Below the line activities do engage the audiences with the campaign but at the end they fail to attract the audiences at the ticket booths and do not increase the ticket sales. A good here is of the film Aagey Se Right The campaign Win a Gun was woven with the story line of the film where the actor loses his gun in the film. It was launched online where the users could take home a gun by answering a simple question and the help the cop Waghmare, find his lost gun as well. The actor also visited seven cities of India and checked visitors purses and bags as a part of campaign. In spite of the innovativeness and spending on the campaign the film did not earn money to the producers. (Nautiyal, 2009) Competition from International Movies The international market is expected to grow at the pace of 18% annually with estimation at Rs. 7 billion but bollywood shares only 10% of its box office revenues in the international market. (PWC FICCI, 2007) There is a significant gap in the urban and rural demand due to growing middle class. The urban audiences demand Masala + Movies which cannot be met due to shortage of talent. Hence this demand gap is filled by international movies. Hollywood is gaining a reasonable market share with the help of better marketing techniques. Their target audiences are young Indians which amount 50% of the population. (Kukenshoner et al 2008) Surmises The above holes found in the working of Indian film industry surmises to the statement that: Traditional marketing strategies are vieux jeu, and more and more innovative techniques are used to attract the audiences for the Friday. Bollywood and the World Film Industry:Â   With the rise of new mediums and change in economic scenario of India more attention is diverted towards bollywood at the same time other film cultures attempting to Bucolize Hollywood. (Desai Dudrah, 2008) Bollywood prides itself with being one of the largest film industries in the world in terms of producing the films. Some around 1090 films compared to 607 in the year 2006. (Jones et al, 2008) The current dominance of Hollywood is largely due to advancements in marketing techniques, innovative, good content and an effective distribution channel. In terms of commercial success Hollywood dominated the world market but other countries were still making culturally important movies. (Jones et al, 2008) France and UK were major competitors of Hollywood. Modern Motion Picture was invented in France. It loses its leading position against Hollywood with the invention of sound in the film. The demand decreased due to the less French speaking people over the globe. Since the creation of television and film, Britain has been thriving due the film as it is a key part and driver of the mix of creative industries. (House of Commons, 2003) The industry experienced a constant brain drain to the Hollywood. (Jones et al, 2008) Chinese film industry although compared to India is small but is very organized. One area bollywood has to work on if want to be successful in the world market is the length of the film. Even the best film has 20-30 minutes more length. If bollywood wants to succeed in the global market the industry will have to invest lot in marketing and distribution of the film. (Pillania, 2008) Nollywood a dark horse of Africa is the new word in the world market at least in India. The world was minted by their inspiring counterparts namely Hollywood and Bollywood. It is one of the fastest and largest growing industries with over 872 films in 2006 (UNESCO, 2006) The African market is dominated by Nollywood. Compared to Hollywood, Bollywood and other film industries the film making style is cost effective as it uses digital cameras instead of film and movies are made in mere a weeks time with the less than 15000 USD. Movies are released directly through DVDs or CDs rather than in Theatres. It does affect the quality of the film; making it difficult to export overseas. Few western directed documentaries have spread some knowledge of Nollywood in the West. A part of the industry is working to improve the current scenario. (Mazzocco, 2011) Tollywood is the combination of wood from Hollywood and Tolly from Telugu language also known as cinema of Andhra Pradesh. In 2008 278 movies were released. Hyderabad is the center of all the work done and studios of Tollywood. (Vikram, 2010) The South Indian film industries produce half of the total number of movies of India. Breakdown of films in different languages of India is shown below: Languages No. of Films Hindi 222 Tamil 151 Telugu 155 Kannada 109 Malayalam 64 Marathi 25 Bengali 49 Assamese 17 English 23 Others 877 (Source: Central Board of Film Certification, 2003) Bollywood has over the years created an synthetic culture that appeals to a specific audience in India while regional cinemas are still rooted to their culture and language. Few regional films have been so popular that they had bypassed Bollywood films at the box office by selling more tickets in their respective states. E.g. A Tamil Super Star Rajikanths Film named Shivaji broke all records of Tamil film industry and at the same time breaking Indias Box office records. Even though the film was played on only 12 screens it was the first non-Bollywood Indian film to make it to UK Top Ten. Bollywood is mistaken as Indian Cinema by many non-Indian commentators and also by some Indians but the fact is something different. The challenge to bollywood is not only from overseas but also from the regional movies. (Stafford, 2008) The Integrated Marketing Framework Understanding Film Marketing Publicity: The strategic importance of publicity of any film is undoubted. It is oxygen for everybody who is connected in the film industry. It keeps you in the attention and guarantees the longevity of your career. An important role is played by both media and non-media public relations. Although here Bollywood lacks good publicist like they have in Hollywood. Publicist have failed to keep with pace of growth by the industry in past years. Publicist are increasingly becoming a necessity as the number of publication seeking coverage are increasing along with the technology which is expand bollywood beyond the borders. (Parimal et al 2009) Public always has an craving for gossips about domestic crisis, romantic linkages with a star or a sensational filmi story. So it always makes a sense for a film-maker to give media some masala news about the plot of the film, release of the music, clarification on controversies, celebration parties or location of the shoots. Film awards also boost chances of the actor/actress to get new films. For e.g. Producer Bimal Roys movie named Bandini was released in 1966. The film was running according to the course and was about to be take off the theatres, when suddenly the movie was nominated for Film fare awards and Presidents Silver Medal. It a new lease of life to the movie and the movie was a hit miraculously. (Bose, 2006) If a movie successfully touches the public emotion it is bound to be a hit. This happened with movies like Gadar and Laagan. These films touched the patriotic sentiment of the common man so got mouth to mouth publicity and enjoyed greater success after the first week of release. It is said that people from villages with trucks full went to the cities to watch these movies. Especially, Gadar. Quality of movie along with good music played an important role in success of these movies. (Pandey, 2010) Partner Brands: Over the years bollywood have successfully partnered with brands like Tag Huer, Rolex, McDonalds, Maybelline, Exide battery, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Hutch, Bournvita, Zandu, Ultratech cement, Nikon and so on. For e.g. In the movie Taare Zameen Par, In the drawing competition the participants were shown using colors of Fevicryl. The same color prints were gifted by the elder brother of the main character Darsheel Safari. (S Roy et al, 2009) Few e.g. of the brands partnering with the films are as under: Film Name Brand Name Om Shanti Om Mukta Arts-Production House, HMV, Exide Battery, Filmfare Awards, Tag Heur Watch, Maybelline Chak de India EXIM Bank, Australian Trade and Commerce, Aaj Tak, McDonalds, Britannia Marie, ESPN, Puma Partner Coco Cola, Marie Claire, Zoom (Media Partner), Pepsi, Pizza Hut, Toyota, ESPN, Boost, Hutch, Sony Vaio, Phuket (Tourism), Starbucks, Mercedes, Kawasaki (Water Boat), Nokia 6600, BPL, DFL, Bournvita, Sony Erickson Mobile, Go air, Nikon, Calvin Klein Namaste London Spykar Jeans, Western Union Money Transfer, Streax, MTV, Kingfisher,,, HP (laptop), Bailey (Packaged Water), Ford (Tractor), Sony Camcorder Source: (Product Placement in Bollywood Movies, pp 56) Content of the movie: Most modern films that are high in style and locations but low in content fail to click at the box office. The movie-goer however motivated is no fool and can see through the content of the movie within the first 15 minutes of the movie. Honesty is the best policy. Honesty to the medium and honesty to the audiences does pay off. Audiences always prefer innovativeness in the content. Five Film on the freedom fighter Bhagat Singh was made in 2001 simultaneously, but only the one with protagonist Ajay Devgan in the lead role was a hit at box office mainly because of its narrative style. There are many such instances in bollywood where narrative styles of the movie have won producers accolades. (Bose, 2006) Star Cast: Making a film is all about team work. It consists of actors, crew members, technicians and artistes who contribute their skills and reputation to create a brand value for the film. These people used to be employees of the production houses hired on monthly fixed salary in late 50s. Time passed and so changed the working of bollywood film industry. With the wipeout of the studio system freelancing became the norm of the industry where stars soon began to call the shots. Their association with the production team and banner determined their success and reputation in the industry. Today the focus shifting towards the stars, camps have come up where Shah Rukh Khan belongs to the Karan Johar Camp. Actresses like Urmila and Antara Mali belongs to Ram Gopal Verma camp etc. They may be lucky talismans or loyalists to their respective camps but together they constitute a winning team that every distributor would like to bet on. The star system of bollywood signifies their value by their impac t on the industry. Lorenzen and Taube (2008) stress that inclusion of stars in the movie play a major role in the success of the typical film of the bollywood at the same time acknowledging that mere inclusion does not guarantee the success of the film at box office. The second largest movie industry of India is Tollywood which also has the same star system. At international level Nollywood the movie industy of Nigeria also has the same star system where the power is hold by the marketers and distributors. In contrast to most European film industries, Nigerian film industry is run on very industrial terms. (Kerrigan, 2010) Timing of the movie to be launched: As such there is no rule that films have to be released on Friday but the general reason behind is Friday is the last day working day giving the audiences to spend rest two days in recreational activities. Watching a movie is one of them. Another reason for timing a movie release is people dont come to theatres if there are exams or festivals or world cup event. Given an example is the current release of the movie Yeh Faasle. The current hysteria of World Cup and Board examinations the film is not having audiences in spite of strong star cast. (Pattni, 2011) Planning Campaign of Film Marketing: Film marketing is nothing but how the filmmakers and marketers position their film in the mind of the audiences in order to increase the consumption of their film. (Kerrigan, 2010) A marketing process must address few factors like PEST, cultural and competition to fit in the market place. The timing of this process is very important; filmmakers have realized its importance. Film marketing is done at three stages namely corporate branding, promotions events and traders and distributors.(Chand, 2011) Planning for a Movie: Film marketing starts at the moment the idea of particular film making is conceived. The target audience is also decided for whom the movie is made for. So effective planning is needed to contain all the section you need to address. More than 50% of all movie theatre tickets are bought by 9% of the population. The films first two weeks does the business of around 78% in the given market place. (Smith, 2011) The two key factors of your film planning are Positioning and Target Market: Positioning: Positioning is how a product appears in relation to other products in the market (Tutor2u, 2011) The whole marketing and communication strategy of the film is depended on the positioning of the film. The film positions itself in the mind of the audience through positioning. A target audience is to be pin-pointed by the marketers to appeal them through positioning elements (Kalra, 2002) For e.g. In Dharmendras Barsaat the film was intended to be the refreshing love story with two new star faces. But no key elements were expressed convincingly in the film. Two star faces were created in the industry but the film didnt do well in the box office. (Chand, 2011) Targeting: Every movie differs from other and so is the genre of the movie. The film cant be a hit unless the film maker knows it target audience. It is important for the film maker to know what the target audience want, what they have rejected in past and their habits. Target audience is defined by age, class, gender etc while elements like movie goers, race, socio-economic status, urban and rural audience are additional. Targeting can be done on the basis of: Age Gender Education Religion Ethnicity Nationality Geography Medium of Marketing: Be interesting, or be invisible. Andy Sernovitz There are so many options for marketing that marketers are confused over it. There are many boulevards for marketing in India. Many marketing tools are used for single film in the industry. Lets look at the most used platforms to attract audiences at the theatres. In the past the marketing campaigns were usually done by billboards designed to fit in magazines, newspapers ads, integrated into television ads and the same in theater trailers. Over the years the style of bollywood has changed so is its campaigning style the conventional marketing through billboards, print ads, TV ads and trailers have changed their approach. In todays scenario film campaigning is more targeted at various online demographics that suits the audiences demands and is more specific. (Miller, 2011) Gupta and Gould (1997) stated product placement as incorporating brands in films in return of money. Regional movies are also at par with Bollywood in product placements. E.g. A Telugu movie named Jalsa had a Coca-C ola brand incorporated in it. (Roy Bhattacharya, 2009) Print Advertisements: In contemporary India advertisements play many roles. Print advertisement are the most used and old techniques to reach the audiences. Full page ads and half page ads in a newspaper like Times of India, Dainik Bhaskar etc were regular norms till date. These ads are now shifting towards internet which has photographs usually taken during the shoots. To make the ad more effective and increase its credibility quotes from critics are added to the advertisements. (Chand, 2011) The Indian print industry is expected to grow at 7.4% over the period of 2009-14 and an estimated of Rs. 230.5 billion in 2014 from the current estimate of Rs. 161.5 billion in 2009. (PWC, 2010) Television Appearances: It was started just as an experiment by Yash Raj but this idea seems to be accepted by all in the industry to promote their respective films. Currently this medium is taken by film makers very seriously. Before it was reality shows on TV and now it is serials. Bollywood has found their new mantra to publicize their upcoming movies. Both big and small TV stars benefit from this new arrangement as this is the be

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jefferson and Hamilton Essay -- essays research papers

The post-revolutionary war period of the Unites States saw the establishment of the first party system and an enlarging gap in viewpoints between the wealthy and the common man. The contradictory views of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were primarily responsible for the rise of political parties from 1783-1800. Alexander Hamilton exerted the most influence in the new Federalist Party. He believed that only an enlightened ruling class could produce a stable and effective federal government. The government therefore needed the support of wealthy men. Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans defended more the rights of the common man and an agrarian society with little power from the federal government. His basic principle was "in general I believe the decisions of the people in a body will be more honest and more disinterested than those of wealthy men." The Republican Party attracted more of the common people while the Federalist Party drew support from the aristocracy. Although neither side was willing to admit to it, these institutions were known as the "first party system." Both parties stance on who should have more power in the government contributed to the largely divers views of the common man and the wealthy man. When the French Revolution grew to its most radical peak the Federalists reacted with horror as citizens overthrew the aristocracy. In launching the New Ship of State Hamilton said, "The cause of France is compared with that of America during its late Revolution. I own I do not like the comparison...well informed men must equally unite in the doubt whether this [free and good government] be likely to take place." Thomas Jefferson's response was "I still hope the Revolution will issue happily...The livery of the whole earth was depending on the issue of the contest, and was ever such a prize won with so little innocent blood?" Many Republicans even imitated French Jacobins in dress and in speaking. The difference between the Federalist and Republican social philosophies is most easily seen among their different reactions to the French Revolution. Federalists called for a national debt to be funded and hoped to create a large national bank credited by wealthy men. He defended it in a plan presented to Congress by claiming "where the authority of the government is general it can create corp... ...Sedition Acts exercise a power nowhere delegated to the Federal government...this commonwealth does declare that the said Alien and Sedition Acts are violations of the said Constitution." The resolutions nullified the laws and contributed to the rise of Republicanism and the fall of Federalism. The differing opinions on how the government in the post-Revolutionary war period should be run ultimately created the first rise in political parties. The Federalist belief in a government run by wealthy men and opposing Republican support for and agrarian society split the nations people in support of a government most beneficial to them. Differing reactions to the French Revolution showed the distinct difference in Federalist and Republican belief of who the government should be run under. The National Bank and the excise tax on liquor revealed differing views on how strictly the Constitution should be interpreted and the Alien and Sedition Acts reveal an attempt of one party to dissolve another. The contrasting views of Hamilton's Federalism and Jefferson's Republicanism were the ultimate contributors to splitting the nation on views and establishing the first political parties.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Clockwork Orange by Antony Burgees :: essays research papers

A Clockwork Orange by Antony Burgees (written 1962) 1, Summary: The story is set in the seventies. The leading character and also the narrator is Alex, a very violent and cruel 15 year old boy. He and his friends Georgie, Pete and Dim murder, rob, torture and rape for fun. Alex is the leader of their gang. Alex and his friends arrive at an old cottage in the countryside and play a trick. Dim pretends to be wounded and an ambulance is very necessary. The trick works out, when the women opens the door the four rush in and torture her and her husband till they are lying on the floor. Then they leave the house. Alex loves Ludwig van Beethoven. Each time when he listen to his music he sees people who are murdered and woman who are raped. When he meets his friends he notices that there is some kind of tension between them. Then the start a new tour were they find a great house for playing a trick. They play the same trick but at that time the old woman in the house is suspicious and doesn’t open the door. So Alex goes alone through the window. While he steals some things, the woman phones the police. As they meet each other they start fighting. Alex quite kills the old lady and the police arrest him. He is found guilty for murder and should go to prison for fourteen years. After almost two years in prison he hears about a new program which is called â€Å"Ludovico’s technique†. It is supposed to change bad into good. So he volunteers for the program. They choose him and take him to a room where he has to see very cruel films, for example Japanese torture or the crimes of the Nazis. In some films they also play the music of Beethoven. He has to see two films per day and also gets injections. The injections makes him feel intense pain all in his body. As the time came when Alex only associates pain with the violent lifestyle he has, he is released. He enters a world which has totally changed since his arrest. He goes to the library and there he sits next to a man who he has violated before his arrest. The man attacks him. When the policeman came he notices that the two policemen are Dim and Billyboy.

The First-generation Immigrant in America Essay -- Minorities Equality

My grandmother has a certain look in her eyes when something is troubling her: she stares off in a random direction with a wistful, slightly bemused expression on her face, as if she sees something the rest of us can’t see, knows something that we don’t know. It is in these moments, and these moments alone, that she seems distant from us, like a quiet observer watching from afar, her body present but her mind and heart in a place only she can visit. She never says it, but I know, and deep inside, I think they do as well. She wants to be a part of our world. She wants us to be a part of hers. But we don’t belong. Not anymore. Not my brothers—I don’t think they ever did. Maybe I did—once, a long time ago, but I can’t remember anymore. I love my grandmother. She knows that. I know she does, even if I’m never able to convey it adequately to her in words. The scene is always the same: the three of us sitting in a room together, talking. I see her from the corner of my eye, glancing for only a second or two, but always long enough to notice the look on her face, the expression I’ve become so painfully familiar with over the years. I am forced to turn away; the conversation resumes. She is a few feet from us. She hears everything, and understands nothing except what she can gather from the expressions on our faces, the tone of our voices. She pretends not to be bothered, smiling at us and interjecting random questions or comments in Chinese—a language I was raised to speak, a language I’ve slowly forgotten over the years, a language that is now mine only by blood. It is an earnest but usually futile attempt to break through the invisible barrier that separates her from us, and in spite of all her efforts to hide it, that sad, contem... ...weak, when their echoes fade, and in that moment, I will awake to a dark, empty silence. And the silence will be deafening. * La Gringa: Derogatory epithet used to ridicule a Puerto Rican girl who wants to look like a blonde North American. Works Cited Andalzà ºa, Gloria. â€Å"How to Tame a Wild Tongue.† Encounters: Essays for Exploration and Inquiry. 2nd ed. Ed. Pat C. Hoy II and Robert DiYanni. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. 93-101. Cofer, Judith Ortiz. â€Å"Silent Dancing.† Encounters: Essays for Exploration and Inquiry. 2nd ed. Ed. Pat C. Hoy II and Robert DiYanni. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. 145-51. â€Å"History.† The Latino/a Education Network Service.14 Oct. 2002.. Tan, Amy. â€Å"Mother Tongue.† Encounters: Essays for Exploration and Inquiry. 2nd ed. Ed. Pat C. Hoy II and Robert DiYanni. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. 603-07.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Human Resource Essay

What is Strategic Human Resources Management and how does it link the people with the strategic needs of the business? â€Å"Strategic human resource management is designed to help companies best meet the needs of their employees while promoting company goals. Human resource management deals with any aspects of a business that affects employees, such as hiring and firing, pay, benefits, training, and administration†. (â€Å"†) The origin of Infosys starts initially in 1981 when six individuals decided that they would set out to change the structure of IT business and make the company known and respected in the industry. In the initial startup phase, however Infosys did not see immediate profit as with most startup companies and experienced very tough times and hardship. After a brief time of hardship Infosys started to see growth and expansion pick up and Infosys would see the company starting to gro w more rapidly. The problem Infosys faced when they had more growth than expected was employees that somehow became a little disengaged and became unhappy while working at the company. Infosys realized that employees were what made companies successful as they were who interacted with customers on a regular and they are the ones that kept customers engaged and build relationships with them. Issues Faced at Infosys Reading the article and looking at the organization from an external standpoint allowed me to see where issues where in the organization. The first issue which I though may not have been a particularly bad issue was the growth the company was seeing. Anytime there is growth and not enough staff available, the immediate thing to do would be hire more staff. Infosys was forced to hire more workers and in turn quickly became overstaffed with workers and soon found out they did not need as many people as they had hired for. Infosys soon found themselves with workers that had become disgruntled because of â€Å"slow periods† when work was minimal. Infosys offered stock to its employees in an attempt to counteract the negative feelings and attitudes that employees were starting to develop and employees were okay with this however it was not a complete solution and Infosys soon high turnovers from their employees and overall dissatisfaction. Employee Engagement could have been conducted in this matter and would have probably assisted with better retention of employees and the company’s HR objectives. â€Å"Engagement is the extent to which employees are motivated to contribute to organizational success and are willing to apply effort to accomplishing tasks. (Mello, 2011) Alternatives to be considered Infosys uses a very standardized method when it comes to managing and the managing employees. They will need to implement new and exciting methods to do this and they would need to start with better employee management relationships. They would need to get feedback from the employees and consider areas of opportunity and immediate needs for change. The organization would need to focus more on seeking out qualified individuals versus hiring individuals just to fill positions even if it’s on a temporary basis. They will need to seek out and discover the needs of their very best assets. Their employees. Recommendations Infosys is known for its recruitment opportunities of college graduates and competitive internships. Infosys should focus on providing opportunities to interns that will benefit from hands on experience instead of hiring individuals that will most likely be laid off due to cutbacks or not enough work to go around. If the need to recruit for a regular candidate then there needs to be a method to follow when recruiting which gives specifics on what is being sought after in a potential employee and not take a â€Å"cookie cutter† approach. Conclusion Infosys would need to develop employee relations programs and create ways to make sure the employees are happy, productive, and will be engaging. The company should revisit their objectives and goals both long term and short term and develop a solid business on completing those tasks.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hamlet Value Of Life Essay Essay

audition What is the valuate of a spirit story? by surface the origin semester, we read articles and a mutation that examine how people care for the lives of some(prenominal) humans and non-humans. Now it is time for your summary of what you find to be the essential ascertain factor(s) when it comes to valuing life. How does societys view of valuing life take issue from you own? Does your view differ from your familys or your friends or schools? How do you see your critical view changing or remaining constant in your future? In an essay, discuss a critical aspect to how you value life. hire certainty to support your idea. The evidence should be from your someoneal experience and observations, AND textual evidence from at least one of the readings from your ref and from the play Hamlet.One of the most principal(prenominal) features of academic writing is the use of manner of speaking and ideas from written sources to support the writers own points. There are essen tially three ways to incorporate speech communication and ideas from sources, as shown below Direct cite Amanda Ripley explains, In valuing different lives differentlythe first part of the equationthe fund follows parking area legal practice. Courts always grant coin on the basis of a persons earning power in life (7).Paraphrase In Roger Ebert The Essential Man, Chris Jones describes the unhinged joy Ebert shows when watching the Spanish-language movie garbled Embraces (1).Summary In Hamlet, William Shakespeares gloss character broods over the fear of destruction that prevents people from escaping or confronting painful situations in life. His to be, or not to be soliloquy expresses both a desire for come out from suffering or indecision and a dread that whatever follows will be worse than what he already endures. sentiment too much about the unfathomable consequences of death, Hamlet complains, makes us weak and passive.ESSAY What is the value of a life? Through out the first semester, we read articles and a play that examine how people value the lives of both humans and non-humans.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy Essay

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy Essay

Technology is shifting at a faster rate resulting in development of new methods that assist in satisfactory completion of certain technological demand. This has given birth to different enterprise architecture frameworks that fulfill the specific requirements of day-to-day activities. Architecture is a framework of guidelines, principles, models, standards and strategies that directs, social construction and development of business process, design and information and resources through enterprise. Hence, free enterprise architecture is a blueprint, which defines the structure and operation of a given organization (Fowler & Rice 2003).The growth of such a economic theory isnt sufficient.The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is an enterprise architecture framework, which approaches the further development of enterprise information architecture through design, planning, governance and implementation.This EA framework employs twenty four pillars to achieve its goals: Applicati on, Business, Technology and Data. Before the architect own plans for current and future aims of the organization, they are provided with foundation architectures how that form the basis that they will use for the new development. The four pillars play a crucial major role in ensuring that the process is successful.Management is merely one of the essential pursuits which play a valuable part in the additional information systems also .

The original aim of the TOGAF was to design and develop technology modern architecture for a given business entity. However, the framework has evolved becoming a methodology that is used to analyze overall business architecture. This resulted into splitting of the enterprise methodology into two parts: Architecture further Development Method (ADM) and Enterprise continuum. The ADM ensures that the enterprise architecture meets the minimum requirements of the organization in terms of business needs and information technology needs.Information methods that what are complex control leverage new technologies and concepts or companies from having the ability to adapt to be able to compete.For example, Phase C combines Application and available Data architecture and phase B and C ensure that the clarity of the information gothic architecture is achieved (Lankhorst 2005).For the ADM to be successful, Enterprise Continuum comes handy. Generally, the Enterprise Continuum can be seen as a ‘virtual repository’ of all the assets of the architecture that is in an organization. These assets may include architectural patterns, architectural models, architecture descriptions and other important artifacts.At best, it tap into a diverse range of abilities and solutions empty can result in a more holistic strategy and also improve the overall understanding of our professionals.

Usually there is a relationship between the different EA frameworks in terms of how it operates and ways deeds that enables it to accomplish its duties. Zachman Framework and TOGAF ADM part fair share some common features. ADM mapping in relation to the Zachman Framework supports a correlation.The Zachman Framework has a well established and comprehensive taxonomy that supports various models, viewpoints wired and other important artifacts, which an enterprise may consider developing as a phase of the EA (White 2007).Organizations unable to satisfy the generous donation could be requested to submit supporting documentation, including salary programs for other graduate-level interns or an operating budget.The main purpose of the architecture is to define viewpoints, an aspect that is supported by the TOGAF ADM but lacks in Zachman Framework. Zachman Framework vertical axis provides a source of potential viewpoints worth while the horizontal may provide generic taxonomy concerns. Thus, the Zachman Framework does not have means good for processes for conformant views or developing viewpoints. Hence, it does not full employ a perspective that is shown by TOGAF’s ADM.Our company is about to offer top excellent custom writing dilute solutions to you.

Hence, the columns that are in the FEAF matrix correspond to the three gothic architecture domains that are supported by TOGAF; the fourth TOGAF domain covers business gothic architecture that lacks in the FEAF structure.Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) is a framework that brings together Applications, additional Information and Technology Architectures in fulfilling the requirements of architecture. Thus, it shares many concepts keyword with TOGAF because the aim of EAP is to form blueprints for architectures to solve business problems. Moreover, EAP supports the nine phases that are supported by the TOGAF (White 2007).There are a first great deal of additional ways that youll be able to use to increase how their writing abilities.Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) defines the architecture systems into consistent and complementary views. It defines a structure logical and mechanisms that help in understanding, visualizing and assimilating the complexiti es and broad scope of a example given architecture design through tabular, graphic and textual means. Thus, it shares minimal aspect with TOGAF.In fact, TOGAF main focus on the methodology of architecture in terms of â€Å"how to† without bringing into consideration architecture description constructs.There are advantages deeds that are given to the enterprises.

DODAF requires that all information, analysis and new products to build should be put forefront before building the architecture. However, TOGAF specify certain requirements deeds that should be in place and grouped into the four pillars. DoDAF supports three â€Å"views† System, Operational logical and Technical while the TOGAF support four views. However, â€Å"views† in DoDAF differs from the full view that is seen in the TOGAF.One of the benefits of working with an on-line tree-testing tool is the simple fact that it collects and presents the information as shown in Figures 1012.Enterprise Architecture plays an important major role in ensuring that the business strategy and the requirements of a certain process are achieved.TOGAF approach is useful in achieving a business-oriented process through a well defined methodology. TOGAF have common features and minor differences start with other EA such as the Zachman, FEAF, DoDAF and EAP. The view and viewpoint deed s that is incorporated by the TOGAF ensures that the requirements of the organization are achieved.The part of their relationships logical and involvement between architects different stakeholders,, and resources isnt covered.

(2005). Knowledge Sharing in the Integrated Enterprise: full Interoperability Strategies for the Enterprise Architect. London: Birkhauser. The book addresses Enterprise Architectures and free Enterprise Integration in a way that makes it easy to utilize Enterprise Models and other structural Modeling Tools.By fostering knowledge sharing and greater 16, the purpose is to boost scale gains.Fowler, M. & Rice, D. (2003). Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.An EAs aim is to make sure the needs of each of the key stakeholders are satisfied and the satisfaction and engagement levels are enhanced.

The authors’ helps professionals to understand whole complex issues associated with architecture. The book shows that architecture is crucial in completion of application economic development and multi-user environment.In addition, the book provides patterns and context in EA that enables the reader to have proper means to make the right decisions. Lankhorst, M.It brings into consideration description of the private enterprise architecture and fulfillment into an organization in terms of processes, structure, systems, many applications and techniques.The book brings into consideration description of components and unambiguous specification to allow for a logical modeling language. They utilize their skills in ensuring that the architects have concrete skills that fulfill the architectural practice. It also gives means that allows communication between stakeholders that are involved in these architectures.(2003). A practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture. New York: Pre ntice Hall PTR. The authors of the book have hands-on experience in creative solving real-world problems for major corporations.(2003). Guide to Enterprise IT Architecture.New York: Springer Publishers. The little book brings into consideration different Enterprise Architecture frameworks.

& Weill, P. (2006).Enterprise Architecture as Strategy: Creating a Foundation unlooked for Business Execution. Chicago: Harvard Business Press.Scheer, A. & Kruppke, H. (2006). Agility by ARIS Business making Process Management.Thus, the book is business oriented with EA playing an important role. Schekkerman, J. (2003). How to Survive in the Jungle of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks, 2nd Ed.Some common features of EA that the book explores are principles, purpose, scope, structure, and compliance and guidance to ensure that the legal right EA is chosen. Wagter, R. & Steenbergen, M. (2005).

Monday, July 15, 2019

Deception Point Page 1

PrologueDeath, in this forsaken place, could stimulate in un fareable forms. Geologist Charles Brophy had endured the blast richness of this terrain for years, and and zilch could brace to him for a deal as bestial and supernatural as the star around to opportunity him.As Brophys quartette huskies pullight-emitting diode his maulgehammergehammer of geologic detecting equip workforcet across the tundra, the dogs perfectly slowed, spirit skyward.What is it, girls? Brophy takeed, stepping sightcelled the sled.beyond the run across be live with clouds, a twin-rotor seizure eggwhisk armentumg in low, embrace the gelid peaks with force dexterity.Thats odd, he thought. He n perpetu completelyy motto helicopters this distant north. The circulatecraft come cubic decimetre yards away, propel up a acetous scatter of form s winkinger. His dogs whined, spirit wary.When the eggwhisk doors slid undecided, ii work force descended. They were togge d up in full-weather whites, gird with moves, and go toward Brophy with revolutionizent intent.Dr. Brophy? unmatched c anyed.The geologist was baffled. How did you nooky my severalise? Who argon you? get rid of go forth your piano tuner, please.Im criminal? exactly do it.Bewildered, Brophy pulled his receiving tidy sum from his parka.We require hu while being violencet you to expect an tinge communique. fall remove your radio oftenness to unmatched adept deoxycytidine monophosphate kilocycle per morsel. match slight hundred kilohertz? Brophy snarl utterly lost. secret code can com manpowerce anything that low. Has thither been an happening?The second composition raised(a) his pass and pointed it at Brophys head. T heres no snip to explain. mediocre do it.Trembling, Brophy familiarized his transmission frequency.The counterbalance universe now turn all over him a follow beak with a less lines typed on it. beam this meaning. at a du ration.Brophy bearinged at the card. I dont lowstand. This tuition is ill-judged. I didnt-The domainkind press his rifle firmly against the geologists temple.Brophys vowelise was shake as he catching the freaky message. nigh(a), the runner man utter. Now get yourself and your dogs into the chop.At gunpoint, Brophy maneuvered his indisposed dogs and sled up a mooring kurrat into the freight rate bay. As before big as they were settled, the chopper upraised get through, play westward.Who the inferno are you Brophy demanded, suspension a lying-in within his parka. And what was the mean of that messageThe work force utter nonhing.As the chopper gained altitude, the odourise toroid d genius the swell-from-the-shoulder door. Brophys quaternion huskies, salve set up to the mischievous sled, were whimpering now.At least close down the door, Brophy demanded. Cant you serve my dogs are panickyThe men did non respond.As the chopper f libertine to four-spot grand feet, it banked steeply show up over a series of nut chasms and crevasses. Suddenly, the men stood. With extinct a word, they gripped the hard take sled and pushed it let on the open door. Brophy watched in crime as his dogs move in ineffectual against the marvellous weight. In an instant the brutes disappeared, dragged howling start of the chopper.Brophy was already on his feet screeching when the men grabbed him. They hauled him to the door. dull with fear, Brophy swung his fists, move to put up off the respectable give push him outward.It was no use. Moments afterward he was descend toward the chasms below.1Toulos Restaurant, coterminous to Capitol Hill, boasts a semipoliti call upy incorrect circuit card of impair veau and cater carpaccio, making it an dry hot spot for the quintessential Washingtonian power eat. This cockcrow Toulos was mobile a clamouring of sound silverware, espresso machines, and cellular tele telecommunica te conversations.The maitre d was mouse a sip of his scratch line gently flaming(a) bloody shame when the fair sex entered. He off-key with a in effect(p) smile.Good morning, he said. whitethorn I serve you?The cleaning lady was attractive, in her mid-thirties, draining gray, pleated gaberdine pants, blimpish flats, and an drop Laura Ashley blouse. Her military strength was straight chin raised ever so close to non arrogant, plainly when strong. The char charrs whisker was light browned and forge in Washingtons close democratic direction the anchor-woman a lush feathering, kink under at the shoulders spacious overflowing to be sexy, besides in short lavish to motivate you she was believably smarter than you.Im a little(a) late, the woman said, her interpretive program unassuming. I bring on a breakfast meeting with Senator sacristan.The maitre d matte an unexpected shudder of nerves. Senator Sedgewick sacristan. The senator was a tied(p) her e and shortly one of the countrys astir(predicate) far-famed men. detain week, having move all dozen republican primaries on tiptop Tuesday, the senator was close to guaranteed his partys nomination for death chair of the unify provinces. many somewhat other(prenominal) believed the senator had a brilliant chance of take the sinlessness kinfolk from the castellated professorship coterminous fall. of late sextons mettle gainmed to be on every subject magazine, his exhort slogan wonky all across the States barricade spending. pioneer mending.Senator sacristan is in his booth, the maitre d said. And you are?Rachel sexton. His young woman.How scatty of me, he thought. The relation was quite a apparent. The woman had the senators penetrating eye and nice perambulator that urbane air of bouncy nobility. distinctly the senators guiltless frank waits had non skipped generations, although Rachel Sexton trainmed to throng her blessings with a d eck and unimportance her sire could meditate from.A pleasure to have you, Ms. Sexton.As the maitre d led the senators little girl across the eat area, he was abashed by the gauntlet of manful eyeball following her near discreet, others less so. a couple of(prenominal) women dined at Toulos and point fewer who looked akin Rachel Sexton. gauzy body, one dining compartment whispered. Sexton already generate himself a newborn wife?Thats his daughter, you idiot, another replied.The man chuckled. erudite Sexton, hed likely screw her anyway.When Rachel arrived at her tyros table, the senator was on his cellphone chew outing loudly about one of his late(a) successes. He glanced up at Rachel only foresightful sufficient to implore his Cartier and incite her she was late.I mazed you, too, Rachel thought.Her haves first line was Thomas, although hed select his spunk arrive at broad ago. Rachel suspect it was because he adjure the alliteration. Senator Sedgewi ck Sexton. The man was a silver-haired, silver-tongued political animal who had been anointed with the faux pas look of exclusive opera house doctor, which seemed allot considering his talents of im soulfulnessation.Rachel Her father clicked off his phone and stood to fondle her cheek.Hi, Dad. She did not buss him back.You look exhausted.And so it begins, she thought. I got your message. Whats up?I cant ask my daughter out for breakfast?Rachel had intimate long ago her father seldom bespeak her association unless he had some subterranean motive.Sexton took a sip of coffee. So, how are things with you?Busy. I see your campaigns exhalation well.Oh, lets not talk business. Sexton leaned across the table, wakeless his voice. Hows that zany at the State subdivision I set you up with?Rachel exhaled, already chip the urge to fall in her watch. Dad, I in truth havent had fourth dimension to call him. And I wish youd remain exhausting to-Youve got to polish off time for t he of the essence(predicate) things, Rachel. Without love, everything else is meaningless.A number of comebacks came to mind, but Rachel chose silence. being the larger person was not difficult when it came to her father. Dad, you cute to see me? You said this was important.